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- (America) IPA: /klɔθ/, enPR: klôth
- (cot-caught, Canada) IPA: /klɑθ/, enPR: klŏth
- (RP) IPA: /klɒθ/, enPR: klŏth
- (obsolete) IPA: /kloʊθ/, enPR: klōth
- (countable, uncountable) A woven fabric such as used in dressing, decorating, cleaning or other practical use.
- (countable) A piece of cloth used for a particular purpose.
- (metaphoric) Substance or essence; the whole of something complex.
- (metaphoric) Appearance; seeming.
- A form of attire that represents a particular profession or status.
- (in idioms) Priesthood, clergy.
- He is a respected man of the cloth.
- (woven fabric) material, stuff
- See also Thesaurus:fabric
- French: tissu, étoffe
- German: Stoff, Tuch
- Italian: stoffa, tessuto, tela
- Portuguese: pano, tecido
- Russian: ткань
- Spanish: tela
- French: tissu
- German: Tuch
- Italian: panno, straccio, cencio
- Portuguese: pano
- Russian: тря́пка
- Spanish: trapo
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003