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- (British, America) IPA: /ˈklʌmzi/
clumsy (comparative clumsier, superlative clumsiest)
- Awkward, lacking coordination, not graceful, not dextrous.
- He's very clumsy. I wouldn't trust him with carrying the dishes.
- Not elegant or well-planned, lacking tact or subtlety.
- It is a clumsy solution, but it might work for now.
- What a clumsy joke...
- Awkward or inefficient in use or construction, difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape.
- French: gauche, maladroit, lourd
- German: tollpatschig, ungeschickt, unbeholfen, schwerfällig, plump, klobig
- Italian: goffo, impacciato, maldestro
- Portuguese: desajeitado, atrapalhado, desastrado, despassarado (Portugal)
- Russian: неуклю́жий
- Spanish: patoso, torpe, desmañado, bruto
- German: tollpatschig, ungeschickt, plump, klobig
- Italian: malfatto, rozzo, sgraziato
- Portuguese: desgracioso
- Russian: гру́бый
- Spanish: torpe
- German: unbeholfen, unhandlich, klobig, sperrig, plump
- Italian: grossolano
- Russian: неудо́бный
- Spanish: torpe
clumsy (plural clumsies)
- (informal, fairly rare) A clumsy#Adjective|clumsy person.
- 1934, P. L. Travers, Mary Poppins
- “Well, you are a clumsy,” said Ellen, as she bent down to mop up the water. “That was for your father’s shaving.”
- 1934, P. L. Travers, Mary Poppins
- German: Tölpel
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004