see also: Colt
  • (British) IPA: /kəʊlt/, [kɔʊlt], /kɒlt/
  • (America) IPA: /koʊlt/

colt (plural colts)

  1. A young male horse.
    Coordinate term: filly#English|filly
  2. A young crane (bird).
  3. (figuratively) A youthful or inexperienced person; a novice.
    • 1594, William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, I. ii. 38:
      Ay, that's a colt indeed, for he doth nothing but / talk of his horse, and he makes it a great appropriation to / his own good parts that he can shoe him himself.
  4. (nautical) A short piece of rope once used by petty officers as an instrument of punishment.
  5. (biblical) A young camel or donkey.
Translations Translations Translations
  • Russian: линёк

colt (colts, present participle colting; past and past participle colted)

  1. (obsolete, transitive) To horse; to get with young.
    • 1610, William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Cymbeline, II. iv. 133:
      Never talk on't: / She hath been colted by him.
  2. (obsolete, transitive) To befool.
    • 1594, William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 1, II. ii. 36:
      What a plague mean ye to colt me thus?
  3. To frisk or frolic like a colt; to act licentiously or wantonly.
    • They shook off their bridles and began to colt.
Proper noun
  1. Surname
  2. A male given name.

colt (plural colts)

  1. A revolver gun (from Colt's Manufacturing Company), associated especially but not exclusively with the American Wild West.
    • 1993, Judith Pella, Frontier Lady (Lone Star Legacy Book #1) (Baker Books, ISBN 9781441262974):
      Only in it she held a derringer in her hand, not a Colt. But that look of disbelief on Leonard's face could not have been more real.
    • 2007, Jory Sherman, The Savage Gun (Penguin, ISBN 9781440623301):
      He saw the shotgunner stagger into the lingering cloud of smoke. He jumped to his feet before the man could reload and charged toward him. The man dropped his shotgun and clawed for his pistol, a blueblack hole in his left leg, near the groin. John stopped and fired his Colt, aiming for the man's heart. But Luke's left leg gave way and tilted him sideways, so the bullet from John's gun struck his right shoulder, spun him like a top. His pistol slipped from his hand.
    • 2013, Len Levinson, River of Blood (ISBN 9781620648445):
      His soldier's instinct had him dropping to the ground before he even thought of it, and Captain Hargreaves fired his Colt. The bullet zoomed over Butsko's head and whacked in the chest of the hapless soldier who'd been standing behind him. Butsko rolled over on the ground, stopped, and brought his rifle quickly to his shoulder as Captain Hargreaves fired again, his bullet burrowing in the muck six inches from Butsko's face. Butsko fired at Captain Hargreaves ...
    • 2014, J.R. Roberts, Gundown in Paradise (ISBN 9781612324104):
      Clint snap-aimed and fired his Colt. The man's stetson whirled off his head. So did part of his skull. The second gunman bounced up and fired a shot at the Gunsmith. The bullet struck the dead flesh of Clint's cover. The Gunsmith fired back and saw a crimson spider appear at the man's shoulder. The gunman groaned and bolted for the side exit. Clint pointed his Colt and squeezed the trigger. The hammer struck the firing pin and drove it into an empty chamber.

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