  • IPA: /kəmˈbaɪnd/

combined (not comparable)

  1. Resulting from the addition of several sources, parts, elements, aspects, etc. able to be united together, to converge.
    The combined efforts of the emergency workers kept the river from going over its banks, barely.
Antonyms Translations Verb
  1. Simple past tense and past participle of combine
    The cook combined equal parts chocolate and vanilla batter in the cake.

combined (plural combineds)

  1. (skiing) Ellipsis of alpine combined#English|alpine combined. An event in alpine skiing consisting of one run of downhill and two runs of slalom.
    • 1985, Skiing (volume 37, number 7, page 16)
      The race events are downhill, slalom, giant slalom, Super G, and combineds, with each giving points in the same way.
  2. (skiing) Ellipsis of nordic combined#English|nordic combined.

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