  • IPA: /kəˈmɛstəbl̩/
  • (RP, also) IPA: /kəˈmɛstɪbl̩/


  1. Suitable to be eaten; edible. [From 15th c.]
    • Some herbs are most comestible.
    • 1972 March 6, Richard W. Langer, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme: Growing Your Own Fresh Herbs, New York, page 40 ↗,
      What with freeze-dried chives costing $96 a pound, and those snipped fresh for the omelette from the potted garden on the kitchen ledge almost free, the bountiful begonia has given way in many apartments to more comestible greenery.
    • 1993, M. J. Trow, Lestrade and the Sawdust Ring, 2000, page 112 ↗,
      Lestrade raised his mug in a loyal toast while Lady Pauline saw to the more comestible sort for breakfast.
    • 2007, Rene Simo, The Little Gringo: Love and Martyrdom in Cameroon, page 12 ↗,
      From the palm nut we derive palm oil, the most comestible oil in our country and in the whole of Africa.
Synonyms Translations Noun

comestible (plural comestibles)

  1. (chiefly, in the plural) Anything that can be eaten; food. [From 19th c.]
    Synonyms: foodstuff, sustenance, victuals, Thesaurus:food
    • 1986 February, Joan Fox, Restaurants: Just Like Mama Used to Cook, Cincinnati Magazine, page 116 ↗,
      Both serve up, with no fanfare, country comestibles.
    • June 4th, 1989, “Pete Granger” (username), Hack Tutorial, Part 03/03 ↗,
      For instance, a food ration can be polymorphed into a carrot, a tripe ration, or any other comestible.
    • 2003, Priscilla Boniface, Tasting Tourism: Travelling for Food and Drink, page 74 ↗,
      Precisely that, for example, homemade food, craft pottery, rough-hewn wood furniture, and consumption of comestibles in a barn, are not the usual daily experience is the reason it is fun, enticing and a contrast for a person when on holiday.

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