Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
- That which affects one’s welfare or happiness. A matter of interest to someone. The adposition before the matter of interest is usually over, about or for.
- Mark’s health was of great concern to Connie.
- Most people in Australia have no concern for the recent events in London.
- Judy's eyes filled with concern as she listened to the news report.
- The expression of solicitude, anxiety, or compassion toward a thing or person.
- A business, firm or enterprise; a company.
- 2001 November 18, “What the Muslim World Is Watching ↗,” The New York Times (retrieved 26 July 2014):
- Soon after he ascended the throne, an Arabic television joint venture between the BBC and a Saudi concern, Orbit Communications, foundered over the BBC’s insistence on editorial independence.
- The employees’ attitude is really hurting the concern.
- 2001 November 18, “What the Muslim World Is Watching ↗,” The New York Times (retrieved 26 July 2014):
- (programming) Any set of information that affects the code of a computer program.
- 2006, Awais Rashid, Mehmet Aksit, Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development II, page 148:
- At the programming level, an aspect is a modular unit that implements a concern.
- 2006, Awais Rashid, Mehmet Aksit, Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development II, page 148:
- (that which affects one’s welfare or happiness) interest
- French: inquiétude, souci.
- German: Sorge, Anliegen
- Portuguese: preocupação
- Russian: забо́та
- Spanish: preocupación
- French: soin, souci, préoccupation
- German: Betroffenheit, Sorge, Besorgnis
- Italian: preoccupazione
- Portuguese: preocupação
- Russian: беспоко́йство
- Spanish: preocupación
- French: importance, intérêt
- German: Konzern
- Italian: impresa
- Portuguese: negócio
- Russian: конце́рн
concern (concerns, present participle concerning; past and past participle concerned)
- (transitive) To relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest of; to be of importance to.
- 1611, Bible (KJV), Acts of the Apostles xxviii. 31
- Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ.
- 1708, Joseph Addison, The Present State of the War, and the Necessity of an Augmentation
- our wars with France have always affected us in our most tender interests, and concerned us more than those we have had with any other nation
- ignorant, so far as the usual instruction is concerned
- 1915, G[eorge] A. Birmingham [pseudonym; James Owen Hannay], chapter I, in Gossamer, New York, N.Y.: George H. Doran Company, OCLC 5661828 ↗:
- As a political system democracy seems to me extraordinarily foolish, but I would not go out of my way to protest against it. My servant is, so far as I am concerned, welcome to as many votes as he can get. I would very gladly make mine over to him if I could.
- 1611, Bible (KJV), Acts of the Apostles xxviii. 31
- (transitive) To engage by feeling or sentiment; to interest.
- A good prince concerns himself in the happiness of his subjects.
- They think themselves out the reach of Providence, and no longer concerned to solicit his favour.
- (transitive) To make somebody worried.
- I’m concerned that she’s becoming an alcoholic.
- (to be of importance to) See also Thesaurus:pertain
- French: concerner, interesser, toucher
- German: angehen, anbetreffen, anbelangen, anlangen, betreffen
- Italian: interessare, concernere, riguardare
- Portuguese: concernir, ter a ver com
- Russian: каса́ться
- Spanish: referirse a, atañer, concernir, tocar
- French: inquiéter, préoccuper
- German: sorgen, beunruhigen, kümmern
- Italian: preoccupare, turbare, inquietare
- Portuguese: preocupar
- Russian: беспоко́ить
- Spanish: preocupar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003