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- IPA: /kənˈdɪʃənəl/
conditional (plural conditionals)
- (grammar) A conditional sentence; a statement that depends on a condition being true or false.
- (grammar) The conditional mood.
- (logic) A statement that one sentence is true if another is.
- "A implies B" is a conditional.
- (programming) An instruction that branches depending on the truth of a condition at that point.
are conditionals in some programming languages.
- (obsolete) A limitation.
- (in logic) if-then statement; material conditional
- German: Konditional
- Russian: усло́вие
- French: conditionnel
- German: Konditional, Konditionalis
- Italian: condizionale
- Portuguese: condicional
- Russian: условный
- Spanish: condicional
conditional (not comparable)
- Limited by a condition.
- I made my son a conditional promise: I would buy him a bike if he kept his room tidy.
- Every covenant of God with man […] may justly be made (as in fact it is made) with this conditional punishment annexed and declared.
- (logic) Stating that one sentence is true if another is.
- "A implies B" is a conditional statement.
- A conditional proposition is one which asserts the dependence of one categorical proposition on another.
- (grammar) Expressing a condition or supposition.
- a conditional word, mode, or tense
- conditioned
- relative
- limited
- (in logic) hypothetical
- French: conditionnel
- German: bedingt
- Portuguese: condicional
- Russian: усло́вный
- Spanish: condicional
- Russian: усло́вный
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.005