Pronunciation Verb
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Pronunciation Verb
confirm (confirms, present participle confirming; past and past participle confirmed)
- To strengthen; to make firm or resolute.
- (transitive, Christianity) To administer the sacrament of confirmation on (someone).
- 1971, Keith Thomas (historian), Religion and the Decline of Magic, Folio Society 2012, p. 35:
- Elizabeth, daughter of Henry VIII, was baptized and confirmed at the age of three days.
- 1971, Keith Thomas (historian), Religion and the Decline of Magic, Folio Society 2012, p. 35:
- To assure the accuracy of previous statements.
- (strengthen) See also Thesaurus:strengthen
- Portuguese: firmar
- Russian: укрепля́ть
- German: bestätigen
- Italian: cresimare
- Portuguese: confirmar
- Spanish: confirmar
- French: confirmer
- German: bestätigen, bekräftigen
- Italian: confermare
- Portuguese: confirmar
- Russian: подтвержда́ть
- Spanish: confirmar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003