  • Noun
    • (British) IPA: /ˈkɒn.flɪkt/
    • (America) enPR: kŏn'flĭkt, IPA: /ˈkɑn.flɪkt/
  • Verb
    • (British) IPA: /kənˈflɪkt/
    • (America) enPR kənflĭkt', IPA: /kənˈflɪkt/, /ˈkɑn.flɪkt/


  1. A clash or disagreement, often violent, between two or more opposing groups or individuals.
    The conflict between the government and the rebels began three years ago.
  2. An incompatibility, as of two things that cannot be simultaneously fulfilled.
    I wanted to attend the meeting but there's a conflict in my schedule that day.
Translations Translations Verb

conflict (conflicts, present participle conflicting; past and past participle conflicted)

  1. (intransitive) To be at odds (with); to disagree or be incompatible
  2. (intransitive) To overlap (with), as in a schedule.
    Your conference call conflicts with my older one: please reschedule.
    It appears that our schedules conflict.
  • Italian: interferire
  • Portuguese: conflitar
  • Russian: конфликтова́ть
  • Spanish: discrepar, estar reñido
  • Italian: sovrapporsi
  • Portuguese: coincidir
  • Russian: конфликтова́ть
  • Spanish: coincidir

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