
cornice (plural cornices)

  1. (architecture) A horizontal architectural element of a building, projecting forward from the main walls, originally used as a means of directing rainwater away from the building's walls.
  2. A decorative element applied at the topmost part of the wall of a room, as with a crown molding.
  3. A decorative element at the topmost portion of certain pieces of furniture, as with a highboy.
  4. (geography, mountaineering) An overhanging edge of snow on a ridge or the crest of a mountain and along the sides of gullies.
    Synonyms: snow cornice
Translations Translations Verb

cornice (cornices, present participle cornicing; past and past participle corniced)

  1. (transitive) To furnish or decorate with a cornice#Noun|cornice.

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