  • IPA: /ˈkaʊˌbɔɪ/

cowboy (plural cowboys)

  1. A man who tends free-range cattle, especially in the American West.
  2. A man who identifies with cowboy culture, including wearing a cowboy hat and being a fan of country and western music.
  3. (informal) A person who engages in reckless behavior, especially for the purpose of showing off.
  4. (British, informal) A dishonest and/or incompetent independent tradesman.
  5. (card games, slang) A playing card of king rank.
Related terms Translations Translations Translations Verb

cowboy (cowboys, present participle cowboying; past and past participle cowboyed)

  1. (intransitive) To work as a cowboy, herding cattle.
    • 1994, Sherry Robinson, El Malpais, Mt. Taylor, and the Zuni Mountains: a hiking guide and history
      Besides cowboying he worked at a small sawmill that cut logs into "four slabs and a tie" and sold ties to the railroad.
    • 1995, American Cowboy (volume 2, number 4, Nov-Dec 1995, page 26)
      Derwood Bailey cowboyed for 50 cents a day, a noon meal, and a gallon of oats for his horse.
    • 2003, C. J. Hadley, Trappings of the Great Basin Buckaroo
      I still had never ridden or cowboyed, and I wanted to learn something about it. I'd been making the damn saddles for years but didn't know how to use them.

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