see also: Creator
Pronunciation Noun
Proper noun Translations
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see also: Creator
Pronunciation Noun
- Something or someone which creates or makes something.
- Kenneth E. Iverson was the creator of APL.
- (religion) The deity that created the world.
- French: créateur, créatrice
- German: Schöpfer, Schöpferin
- Italian: creatore
- Portuguese: criador
- Russian: созда́тель
- Spanish: creador
- French: créateur
- German: Schöpfer, Schöpfergott, Weltschöpfer
- Portuguese: criador
- Russian: созда́тель
Proper noun Translations
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003