see also: Creed
Pronunciation Noun

creed (plural creeds)

  1. That which is believed; accepted#Adjective|accepted doctrine, especially religious doctrine; a particular set of beliefs; any summary of principles or opinions professed or adhered to.
    • 1813, Lord Byron, The Giaour, a Fragment of a Turkish Tale, London: Printed by T[homas] Davison, […], for John Murray, […], OCLC 4561022 ↗, page 12 ↗:
      Oh! who young Leila's glance could read / And keep that portion of his creed / Which saith, that woman is but dust, / A soulless toy for tyrant's lust?
    • 1923, Song Ong Siang, “The Tenth Decade (1909–19): Second Part”, in One Hundred Years’ History of the Chinese in Singapore: […], London: John Murray, […], OCLC 417315791 ↗, page 522 ↗:
      For three successive years, thereafter, as the anniversary of the War [i.e., World War I#English|World War I] came round, equally large assemblies of British subjects of all races and creeds came together in the [Victoria] Theatre to reaffirm the resolution to carry on the war to a victorious end, until at last, after many vicissitudes, victory was secured to the Allies.
  2. (specifically, religion) A reading#Noun|reading or statement of belief that summarizes the faith it represents; a confession of faith for public use, especially one which is brief#Adjective|brief and comprehensive.
    A creed is a manifesto of religious or spiritual beliefs
  3. (rare) The fact of believing; belief, faith.
Translations Translations Verb

creed (creeds, present participle creeding; past and past participle creeded)

  1. (ambitransitive) To believe; to credit#Verb|credit.
  2. (intransitive) To provide with a creed.
Proper noun
  1. Surname
  2. A male given name.

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