see also: Custard
Pronunciation Noun
Proper noun
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see also: Custard
Pronunciation Noun
- A type of sauce made from milk and eggs (and usually sugar, and sometimes vanilla or other flavourings) and thickened by heat, served hot poured over desserts, as a filling for some pies and cakes, or cold and solidified; also used as a base for some savoury dishes, such as quiches, or eaten as a stand-alone dessert.
- French: crème anglaise, crème pâtissière, custard
- German: (when poured) Vanillesoße (usually does but need not contain vanilla); (when thick) Pudding, Creme, Puddingcreme, Eiercreme
- Italian: crema pasticcera
- Portuguese: creme inglês
- Russian: заварно́й крем
- Spanish: crema pastelera
Proper noun
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