  • IPA: /ˈdæmɪdʒ/


  1. Injury or harm; the condition or measure of something not being intact.
    The storm did a lot of damage to the area.
    • 1625, Francis Bacon, Of Friendship
      Great errors and absurdities many ..commit for want of a friend to tell them of them, to the great damage both of their fame and fortune.
  2. (slang) Cost or expense.
    "What's the damage?" he asked the waiter.
Related terms Translations Translations Verb

damage (damages, present participle damaging; past and past participle damaged)

  1. (transitive) To impair the soundness, goodness, or value of; to harm or cause destruction.
    Be careful not to damage any of the fragile items while unpacking them.
    Cold temperatures, heavy rain, falling rocks, strong winds and glacier movement can damage the equipment.
    • 1774, Edward Long, The History of Jamaica. Or, General Survey of the Antient and Modern State of that Island, volume 2, book 2, chapter 7, gbooks xr0NAAAAQAAJ:
      The building was erected in two years, at the parochial expence, on the foundation of the former one, which was irreparably damaged by the hurricane of Auguſt, 1712.
    • He […] came up to the English admiral and gave him a broadside, with which he killed many of his men and damaged the ship.
  2. (transitive, obsolete) To undergo damage.

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