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- IPA: /dɪ.ˈsɛp.tɪv/
- Misleading, likely or attempting to deceive.
- deceptive advertising
- deceptive practices
- language altogether deceptive, and hiding the deeper reality from our eyes
- See also Thesaurus:deceptive
- French: trompeur, qui induit en erreur, illusoire, mensonger (note: décevant is a false friend meaning disappointing)
- German: betrügerisch, irreführend, trügerisch
- Italian: ingannevole
- Portuguese: enganoso, enganador
- Russian: обма́нчивый
- Spanish: engañoso, engañador
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003