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- (British) IPA: /diːˈfleɪt/
deflate (deflates, present participle deflating; past and past participle deflated)
- (transitive) To remove air or some other gas from within an elastic container, e.g. a balloon or tyre
- (transitive) To cause an object to decrease or become smaller in some parameter, e.g. to shrink
- (transitive, economics) To reduce the amount of available currency or credit and thus lower prices.
- (intransitive) To become deflated.
- (transitive) To let down or disappoint.
- (transitive, computing) To compress (data) according to a particular algorithm.
- 2003, "Alan D Johnson", unzip utility on HPUX (on newsgroup comp.sys.hp.hpux)
- Never had a problem, guess I've never had to deflate multiple files!
- 2003, "Alan D Johnson", unzip utility on HPUX (on newsgroup comp.sys.hp.hpux)
- German: entleeren
- Portuguese: desinflar, murchar, esvaziar
- Spanish: desinflar, deshinchar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003