  • (British) IPA: /diːˈfleɪt/

deflate (deflates, present participle deflating; past and past participle deflated)

  1. (transitive) To remove air or some other gas from within an elastic container, e.g. a balloon or tyre
  2. (transitive) To cause an object to decrease or become smaller in some parameter, e.g. to shrink
  3. (transitive, economics) To reduce the amount of available currency or credit and thus lower prices.
  4. (intransitive) To become deflated.
  5. (transitive) To let down or disappoint.
  6. (transitive, computing) To compress (data) according to a particular algorithm.
    • 2003, "Alan D Johnson", unzip utility on HPUX (on newsgroup comp.sys.hp.hpux)
      Never had a problem, guess I've never had to deflate multiple files!
Antonyms Translations

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