Pronunciation Verb
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Pronunciation Verb
desire (desires, present participle desiring; past and past participle desired)
- To want; to wish for earnestly.
- I desire to speak with you.
- Neither shall any man desire thy land.
- Ye desire your child to live.
- To put a request to (someone); to entreat.
- 1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, Acts XIII:
- And when they founde no cause of deeth in hym, yet desired they Pilate to kyll him.
- 1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, Acts XIII:
- To want emotionally or sexually.
- She has desired him since they first met.
- To express a wish for; to entreat; to request.
- 1611, The Holy Bible, […] (King James Version), imprinted at London: By Robert Barker, […], OCLC 964384981 ↗, 2 Kings 4:28 ↗:
- Then shee said, Did I desire a sonne of my Lord ? did I not say, Doe not deceiue me?
- Desire him to go in; trouble him no more.
- To require; to demand; to claim.
- A doleful case desires a doleful song.
- To miss; to regret.
- She shall be pleasant while she lives, and desired when she dies.
- French: désirer
- German: begehren
- Italian: desiderare, volere
- Portuguese: desejar
- Russian: жела́ть
- Spanish: desear
desire (uncountable)
- (countable) Someone or something wished for.
- It is my desire to speak with you.
- You’re my heart’s desire.
- (uncountable) Strong attraction, particularly romantic or sexual.
- His desire for her kept him awake at night.
- (uncountable) The feeling of desiring; an eager longing for something.
- Too much desire can seriously affect one’s judgment.
- (uncountable) Motivation.
- (one or thing wished for) wanna, want-to; See also Thesaurus:desire
- (motivation) wanna, want-to
- French: désir
- German: Begehren, Wunsch
- Italian: desiderio, voglia
- Portuguese: desejo
- Russian: жела́ние
- Spanish: deseo
- French: désir
- German: Begehren
- Italian: desiderio
- Portuguese: desejo
- Russian: жела́ние
- Spanish: deseo, gana
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.005