This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003
- IPA: /dɪˈstɹɔɪ/
destroy (destroys, present participle destroying; past and past participle destroyed)
(ambitransitive) To damage beyond use or repair. - The earthquake destroyed several apartment complexes.
- Hooligans destroy unprovoked.
- (transitive) To neutralize, undo a property or condition.
- Smoking destroys the natural subtlety of the palate.
- (transitive) To put down or euthanize.
- Destroying a rabid dog is required by law.
- (transitive) To severely disrupt the well-being of (a person); ruin.
- Her divorce destroyed her; she had a nervous breakdown and was severely depressed for more than a year.
- 2005, Kliatt Young Adult Paperback Book Guide
- Other girls in the foster home are eager to destroy her and get her kicked out of the place. It's a tough situation.
- (colloquial, transitive) To defeat soundly.
- (computing, transitive) To remove data.
- The memory leak happened because we forgot to destroy the temporary lists.
- (US, colloquial, slang) To sing a song poorly.
- (bodybuilding, slang, antiphrasis) To exhaust duly and thus recreate or build up.
- This exercise is going to destroy all parts of your shoulders.
- (slang, vulgar) To penetrate sexually in an aggressive way.
- She got destroyed by her lover on the carpet.
- French: détruire
- German: zerstören, vernichten, (colloquial) kaputtmachen
- Italian: distruggere
- Portuguese: destruir, estraçalhar, arruinar, destroçar, detonar
- Russian: уничтожа́ть
- Spanish: destruir, romper, destrozar
- Portuguese: destruir
- Portuguese: destruir, acabar com
- French: euthanasier
- German: notschlachten, einschläfern
- Portuguese: sacrificar
- Spanish: sacrificar
- German: zerstören, vernichten
- Portuguese: arrasar, destruir
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003