  • IPA: /ˈdaɪəˌfɹæm/

diaphragm (plural diaphragms)

  1. (anatomy) In mammals, a sheet of muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen, contracted and relaxed in respiration to draw air into and expel air from the lungs; also called thoracic diaphragm.
  2. (anatomy) Any of various membranes or sheets of muscle or ligament which separate one cavity from another.
  3. A contraceptive device consisting of a flexible cup, used to cover the cervix during intercourse.
  4. (mechanics) A flexible membrane separating two chambers and fixed around its periphery that distends into one or other chamber as the difference in the pressure in the chambers varies.
  5. (acoustics) In a speaker, the thin, semi-rigid membrane which vibrates to produce sound.
  6. (optics, photography) A thin opaque structure with a central aperture, used to limit the passage of light into a camera or similar device.
  7. (chemistry) A permeable or semipermeable membrane.
  8. (construction) A floor slab, metal wall panel, roof panel or the like, having a sufficiently large in-plane shear stiffness and sufficient strength to transmit horizontal forces to resisting systems.
Translations Translations
  • Russian: мембра́на
Translations Translations Translations
  • Russian: мембра́на
  • Spanish: diafragma
Translations Translations
  • Russian: мембра́на

diaphragm (diaphragms, present participle diaphragming; past and past participle diaphragmed)

  1. (optics, photography) To reduce lens aperture using an optical diaphragm.
  2. To act as a diaphragm, for example by vibrating.

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