see also: Disciple
  • IPA: /dɪˈsaɪpl̩/

disciple (plural disciples)

  1. A person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others.
  2. An active follower or adherent of someone, or some philosophy etc.
    • Holy Bible, Matthew 9:10 (King James Version)
      And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.
  3. (Ireland) A wretched, miserable-looking man.
Synonyms Related terms Translations Translations Verb

disciple (disciples, present participle discipling; past and past participle discipled)

  1. (religion, transitive) To convert (a person) into a disciple.
  2. (religion, transitive) To train, educate, teach.
    • 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, IV.i:
      fraile youth is oft to follie led, / Through false allurement of that pleasing baite, / That better were in vertues discipled […]
    1. (Christianity, certain denominations) To routine#Adjective|routinely counsel (one's peer#Etymology 2|peer or junior#Noun|junior) one-on-one in their discipleship of Christ, as a fellow affirmed disciple.


disciple (plural disciples)

  1. Any of the followers of Jesus Christ.
  2. One of the twelve disciples of Jesus sent out as Apostles.

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