Pronunciation Verb
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Pronunciation Verb
disconnect (disconnects, present participle disconnecting; past and past participle disconnected)
- (transitive) To sever or interrupt a connection.
- (intransitive) Of a person, to become detached or withdrawn.
- (transitive) To remove the connection between an appliance and an electrical power source.
- German: ausblenden aus
- Russian: отключа́ть
- Spanish: desconectar
disconnect (plural disconnects)
- A break or interruption in an existing connection, continuum, or process; disconnection.
- A switch used to isolate a portion of an electrical circuit.
- A lack of connection or accord; a mismatch.
- There's a disconnect between what they think is happening and what is really going on.
- 2012 October 23, David Leonhardt, "," New York Times (retrieved 24 October 2012):
- Some of the disconnect between the economy’s problems and the solutions offered by Washington stem from the nature of the current political debate.
- (Scientology) The deliberate severing of ties with family, friends, etc. considered antagonistic towards Scientology.
- (switch) disconnector
- French: déconnecter
- German: abklemmen, unterbrechen, ausschalten
- Russian: разъединя́ть
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003