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- IPA: [ˈdɪzməɫ]
- Disappointingly inadequate.
- He received a dismal compensation.
- Gloomy and bleak.
- The storm made for a dismal weekend
- Depressing.
- She was lost in dismal thoughts of despair
- See also Thesaurus:cheerless
- German: unzureichend, unzulänglich, jämmerlich, kläglich, miserabel
- Portuguese: inadequado
- Spanish: estrepitoso
- French: morne, lugubre
- German: traurig, trübe, trostlos, freudlos, düster, finster, trist, trüb, fade, fad, trübselig, trübsinnig
- Portuguese: sombrio
- Russian: мра́чный
- Spanish: triste
- French: déprimant
- German: unglücklich, deprimiert, deprimierend, traurig, trostlos, freudlos, düster, finster, trist, trübselig, trübsinnig
- Russian: гнету́щий
- Spanish: deprimente
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002