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- (British) IPA: /dɪsˈpæɹɪti/
- (uncountable) The state of being unequal; difference.
- 1841 February–November, Charles Dickens, “Barnaby Rudge”, in Master Humphrey’s Clock, volume II, London: Chapman & Hall, […], OCLC 633494058 ↗, chapter 12, page 301 ↗:
- With no great disparity between them in point of years, they were, in every other respect, as unlike and far removed from each other as two men could well be. The one was soft-spoken, delicately made, precise, and elegant; the other, a burly square-built man, negligently dressed, rough and abrupt in manner, stern, and, in his present mood, forbidding both in look and speech.
- (countable) Incongruity.
- French: disparité
- German: Differenz, Unterschiedlichkeit, Unterschied, Disparität, Ungleichheit
- Portuguese: disparidade
- Russian: нера́венство
- Spanish: disparidad
- German: Unvereinbarkeit, Ungleichheit
- Russian: несоотве́тствие
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003