Pronunciation Verb
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Pronunciation Verb
distort (distorts, present participle distorting; past and past participle distorted)
- (transitive) To bring something out of shape, to misshape.
- (intransitive, ergative) To become misshapen.
- (transitive) To give a false or misleading account of
- In their articles, journalists sometimes distort the truth.
- (to bring something out of shape) deform
- French: déformer, distordre
- German: verzerren
- Italian: deformare
- Portuguese: distorcer, deformar
- Russian: искажа́ть
- Spanish: deformar, distorsionar
- Spanish: deformar
- French: déformer
- German: verzerren
- Italian: distorcere
- Portuguese: distorcer
- Russian: искажа́ть
- Spanish: tergiversar, distorsionar, desvirtuar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.014