  • IPA: /daɪˈvʌldʒ/, /dɪˈvʌldʒ/

divulge (divulges, present participle divulging; past and past participle divulged)

  1. (transitive) To make public or known; to communicate to the public; to tell (information, especially a secret) so that it may become generally known
    I will never divulge that secret to anyone.
    • 2016, December 8, The Economist, The president-elect's EPA head may not believe in climate change ↗''
      In an interview with The Economist last year, he insisted his attack on the CPP had nothing to do with his views on global warming, which he would not divulge.
    • 1910, Stephen Leacock, Literary Lapses, "How to Avoid Getting Married"
      Here then is a letter from a young man whose name I must not reveal, but whom I will designate as D. F., and whose address I must not divulge, but will simply indicate as Q. Street, West.
    Synonyms: disclose
  2. To indicate publicly; to proclaim.
    • 1671, John Milton, “Book the Third”, in Paradise Regain’d. A Poem. In IV Books. To which is Added, Samson Agonistes, London: Printed by J. M[acock] for John Starkey […], OCLC 228732398 ↗:
      God... marks The just man, and divulges him through heaven.
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