Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
donkey (plural donkeys)
- a domestic animal, Equus asinus asinus, similar to a horse
- a stubborn person
- a fool
- (nautical) a small auxiliary engine
- Synonyms: donkey engine
- (poker slang) a bad poker player
- See also Thesaurus:stubborn person
- French: âne
- German: Esel; Grauchen (diminutive, pet form), Grautier (humorous)
- Italian: asino, somaro, buricco, ciuco
- Portuguese: asno, jerico, jegue, jumento, burro
- Russian: осёл
- Spanish: asno, burro, jumento
- French: âne
- German: Esel
- Italian: asino
- Portuguese: jumento, jumenta, asno, jegue, burro
- Russian: осёл
- Spanish: burro
- Italian: muletto
- Spanish: locomotora pequeña, motor auxiliar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003