
From Middle English drinkere, drynkere, from Old English drincere, from Proto-Germanic *drinkārijaz, equivalent to drink + -er.

  • (British) IPA: /ˈdɹɪŋkə(ɹ)/
  • (America) IPA: /ˈdɹɪŋkɚ/

drinker (plural drinkers)

  1. Agent noun of drink; someone or something that drinks.
  2. Someone who drinks alcoholic beverages on a regular basis.
    a heavy drinker
  3. A device from which animals can drink.
    a bell drinker
    a nipple drinker
  4. (slang) A pub.
    • 2011, Tony Black, Gutted, page 88:
      Antisocial behaviour? What the hell was that? In my day antisocial meant staying in to watch the footy on Scotsport instead of going down the drinker.
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