drug dealer
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drug dealer (plural drug dealers)
- One who illegally sells drugs.
- Synonyms: dealer, peddler, dope man, pusher, pusherman
- French: vendeur de drogue, vendeuse de drogue, revendeur de drogue, revendeuse de drogue, dealer (colloquial), dealeur (colloquial)
- German: Drogendealer, Drogendealerin, Drogenhändler, Drogenhändlerin, Dealer, Dealerin, Ticker (slang)
- Italian: spacciatore
- Portuguese: narcotraficante, traficante
- Russian: торго́вец наркотик
- Spanish: narcotraficante, camello
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002