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- IPA: /daɪˈnæ.mɪk/
- Changing; active; in motion.
- The environment is dynamic, changing with the years and the seasons.
- dynamic economy
- Powerful; energetic.
- He was a dynamic and engaging speaker.
- Able to change and adapt.
- (music) Having to do with the volume of sound.
- The dynamic marking in bar 40 is forte.
- (computing) Happening at runtime instead of being predetermined at compile time.
- dynamic allocation
- dynamic IP addresses
- the dynamic resizing of an array
- Pertaining to dynamics, the branch of mechanics concerned with the effects of forces on the motion of objects.
- (grammar) Of a verb: not stative, but fientive; indicating continued or progressive action on the part of the subject.
- French: dynamique
- German: dynamisch
- Italian: dinamico, dinamica
- Portuguese: dinâmico, dinâmica
- Russian: динами́чный
- Spanish: dinámico
- French: dynamique
- German: dynamisch
- Italian: dinamico, dinamica
- Portuguese: dinâmico, dinâmica
- Russian: динами́чный
- Spanish: dinámico
- French: dynamique
- German: dynamisch
- Italian: dinamico, dinamica
- Portuguese: dinâmico, dinâmica
- Russian: динами́чный
- Spanish: dinámico
- French: dynamique
dynamic (plural dynamics)
- A characteristic or manner of an interaction; a behavior.
- Watch the dynamic between the husband and wife when they disagree.
- (physics) A moving force.
- The study of fluid dynamics quantifies turbulent and laminar flows.
- (music) The varying loudness or volume of a song or the markings that indicate the loudness.
- If you pay attention to the dynamics as you play, it's a very moving piece.
- (music) A symbol in a musical score that indicates the desired level of volume.
- (grammar) A verb that indicates continued or progressive action on the part of the subject.
- (a characteristic or manner of an interaction; a behavior) apparatus, course of action, design, effect, function, functioning, implementation, interchange, interplay, mechanism, method, modus operandi, motif, nature, operation, pattern, process, regimen, workings
- German: Dynamik
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003