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- IPA: /ɛkˈlɛk.tɪk/, /ɪˈklɛk.tɪk/
- Selecting a mixture of what appears to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles.
- 1893, John Robson, Hinduism and its Relations to Christianity, page 211, 214
- Chunder Sen and the Progressive Brahmists broke entirely with Hinduism...and he selected from the scriptures of all creeds what seemed best in them for instruction and for worship. […] It is an eclectic religion: it seeks to select what is good from all religions, and it has become the latest evidence that no eclectic religion can ever influence large numbers of men.
- 1893, John Robson, Hinduism and its Relations to Christianity, page 211, 214
- Unrelated and unspecialized; heterogeneous.
- (unrelated and unspecialized) heterogeneous; see also Thesaurus:heterogeneous
- (selecting a mixture of doctrines) exclusive, homogeneous, orthodox, standard, uniform; see also Thesaurus:homogeneous
- French: éclectique
- German: eklektisch, vielseitig
- Italian: eclettico
- Portuguese: eclético
- Russian: эклектичный
- Spanish: ecléctico
- French: hétérogène, hétéroclite disparate, de bric et de broc
- German: heterogen, vershiedenartig, verschiedenartig
- Italian: eclettico, disparato, heteroclitico, eterogeneo, poliedrico, versatile
- Portuguese: eclético
- Russian: разнородный
- Spanish: heterogéneo, heteróclito disparatado
eclectic (plural eclectics)
- Someone who selects according to the eclectic method.
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003