Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
editor (plural editors)
- A person who edits or makes changes to documents.
- A copy editor.
- A person who edited a specific document.
- John Johnson wrote this term paper and the editor was Joan Johnson.
- A person at a newspaper, publisher or similar institution who edits stories and/or decides which ones to publish.
- John is the city editor at the Daily Times.
- A machine used for editing (cutting and splicing) movie film
- (computer software) A program for creating and making changes to files, especially text files.
- The TPU EVE editor is an excellent, extensible, programmable editor.
- (television, cinematography) Someone who manipulates video footage and assembles it into the correct order etc for broadcast; a picture editor.
- French: rédacteur
- Italian: redattore
- Portuguese: editor, editora
- Russian: реда́ктор
- Spanish: editor, editora
- French: lecteur-correcteur, correcteur, (Canada) réviseur
- Portuguese: editor
- French: éditeur
- German: Redakteur, Redakteurin
- Italian: curatore, curatrice, redattore, redattrice
- Portuguese: jornalista
- Russian: реда́ктор
- Spanish: director, directora, redactor, redactora
- German: Editor, Texteditor
- Italian: editor
- Portuguese: editor
- Russian: реда́ктор
- Spanish: editor
- French: monteur
- Italian: montatore
- Spanish: montador, montadora
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003