  • (RP) IPA: /ˈɛdɪtə/
  • (GA)
    • (formal) IPA: /ˈɛdɪtəɹ/, [ˈɛˑdɪtɚ]
    • (lax) IPA: [ˈɛˑɾɪɾɚ]

editor (plural editors)

  1. A person who edits or makes changes to documents.
  2. A copy editor.
  3. A person who edited a specific document.
    John Johnson wrote this term paper and the editor was Joan Johnson.
  4. A person at a newspaper, publisher or similar institution who edits stories and/or decides which ones to publish.
    John is the city editor at the Daily Times.
  5. A machine used for editing (cutting and splicing) movie film
  6. (computer software) A program for creating and making changes to files, especially text files.
    The TPU EVE editor is an excellent, extensible, programmable editor.
  7. (television, cinematography) Someone who manipulates video footage and assembles it into the correct order etc for broadcast; a picture editor.
Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations
  • French: monteur
  • Italian: montatore
  • Spanish: montador, montadora

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