Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
elbow (plural elbows)
- (anatomy) The joint between the upper arm and the forearm.
- (by extension) Any turn or bend like that of the elbow, in a wall, building, coastline, etc.; an angular or jointed part of any structure, such as the raised arm of a chair or sofa, or a short pipe fitting, turning at an angle or bent.
- the sides of windows, where the jamb makes an elbow with the window back
- (US, dated, early 20th-century slang) A detective.
- (basketball) Part of a basketball court located at the intersection of the free-throw line and the free-throw lane.
- A hit#Noun|hit with the elbow.
- French: coup de coude
- German: Ellbogenstoß
- Italian: gomitata
- Portuguese: cotovelada, cotovelão
- Spanish: codazo
elbow (elbows, present participle elbowing; past and past participle elbowed)
- (transitive) To push with the elbow.
- He elbowed his way through the crowd.
- (transitive, by extension) To nudge, jostle or push.
- French: jouer des coudes
- German: Swiss: ellbögeln
- Italian: sgomitare
- Portuguese: cotovelar, acotovelar
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