Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
elevator (plural elevators)
- Anything that raises or uplifts.
- 1902, Life (volume 39, page 559)
- And then the foaming flagons raised on high, with that best of all beverages, that elevator of spirits, that foaming sunshine, that grand and glorious brew of ale.
- 1902, Life (volume 39, page 559)
- (US) A permanent construction with a built-in platform that is lifted vertically, used to transport people and goods.
- A silo used for storing wheat, corn or other grain (grain elevator)
- (aeronautics) A control surface of an aircraft responsible for controling the pitching motion of the machine.
- A dental instrument used to pry up ("elevate") teeth in difficult extractions, or depressed portions of bone.
- (anatomy) Any muscle that serves to raise a part of the body, such as the leg or the eye.
- A type of shoe having an insert lift to make the wearer appear taller.
- (permanent construction) lift (British English; Australian English)
- Russian: элева́тор
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