see also: Eminence
Proper noun
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see also: Eminence
- IPA: /ˈɛmɪnəns/
- Someone of high rank, reputation or social status.
- The quality or state of being eminent.
- Prominence in a particular order or accumulation; esteem.
- (geology) An elevated land area or a hill.
- (anatomy) A protuberance.
- (uncountable) A dark purple color.
- (someone of high rank, reputation or social status) obscurity
- (the quality or state of being eminent) mediocrity
Proper noun
- An unincorporated community in Morgan County, Indiana.
- A ghost town in Finney County, Kansas.
- A home rule city in Henry County, Kentucky.
- A city/county seat in Shannon County, Missouri.
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