Pronunciation Adjective
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Pronunciation Adjective
- Of or relating to the emotions.
- emotional crisis
- emotional lift
- Characterised by emotion.
- Determined by emotion rather than reason.
- emotional decision
- Appealing to or arousing emotion.
- emotional speech
- Easily affected by emotion.
- She’s an emotional person.
- Readily displaying emotion.
- emotional greeting
- French: émotionnel
- German: emotional
- Italian: emotivo, emozionante
- Portuguese: emocional, emotivo
- Russian: эмоциона́льный
- Spanish: emocional
- French: émotionnel
- German: emotional
- Italian: emotivo
- Portuguese: emocional, emocionado, emotivo
- Russian: эмоциона́льный
- Spanish: emocional
- French: émotif
- German: emotional
- Italian: emotivo
- Portuguese: emocional, emotivo
- Russian: эмоциона́льный
- Spanish: emocional, emotivo
- German: emotional
- Italian: emozionante, commovente
- Portuguese: emocional, comovente
- Russian: эмоциона́льный
- French: émotif
- German: emotional
- Italian: emotivo, impressionabile
- Portuguese: emotivo, impressionável
- Russian: эмоциона́льный
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003