Etymology Pronunciation Verb
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Etymology Pronunciation Verb
- Present participle and gerund of engineer
engineering (uncountable)
- (uncountable) The application of mathematics and the physical sciences to the needs of humanity and the development of technology.
- The area aboard a ship where the engine is located.
- Actions controling the motion, shape, and/or substance of any physical object(s).
- Designates office area of the professional engineering staff.
- French: ingénierie, génie
- German: (as a theoretical science) Ingenieurwissenschaft; (otherwise) Ingenieurwesen; (among professionals also) Engineering
- Italian: ingegneria
- Portuguese: engenharia
- Russian: те́хника
- Spanish: ingeniería
- French: ingénierie
- German: Ingenieurwesen; (among professionals also) Engineering
- Italian: ingegneria
- Portuguese: engenharia
- Russian: инжене́рное иску́сство
- French: ingénierie
- German: Ingenieurwesen, Ingenieurberuf
- Italian: ingegneria
- Portuguese: engenharia
- Russian: инжене́рное де́ло
- French: salle des machines
- German: Maschinenraum
- Italian: sala macchine
- Russian: маши́нное отделе́ние
- Spanish: sala de máquinas
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002