Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
equivocal (plural equivocals)
- A word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term.
- Synonyms: double entendre, equivoque
- Having two or more equally applicable meanings; capable of double or multiple interpretation.
- Synonyms: ambiguous, indeterminate
- Antonyms: unequivocal, univocal
- equivocal words
- an equivocal sentence
- For the beauties of Shakespeare are not of so dim or equivocal a nature as to be visible only to learned eyes.
- Capable of being ascribed to different motives, or of signifying opposite feelings, purposes, or characters; deserving to be suspected.
- His actions are equivocal.
- 1649, [John] Milton, [Eikonoklastes] […], London: Printed by Matthew Simmons, […], OCLC 1044608640 ↗:
- equivocal repentances
- Uncertain, as an indication or sign.
- Synonyms: uncertain, doubtful, incongruous
- Antonyms: certain
- How equivocal a test.
- French: équivoque, ambigu, incertain
- German: doppeldeutig, mehrdeutig
- Italian: equivoco, ambiguo, ambivalente, ingannevole, dubbio
- Portuguese: equívoco
- Russian: двусмы́сленный
- Spanish: equívoco
- French: douteux, incertain, indéterminé, équivoque
- German: fragwürdig
- Italian: ambivalente
- Russian: сомни́тельный
- French: équivoque
- German: fragwürdig
- Italian: equivoco, dubbioso
- Russian: сомни́тельный
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002