
From , past participle of exaggerare ("to heap up, increase, enlarge, magnify, amplify, exaggerate"), from ex ("out, up") + aggerare ("to heap up"), from agger ("a pile, heap, mound, dike, mole, pier, etc."), from aggerere, adgerere, from ad + gero.

  • IPA: /ɛɡˈzæd͡ʒ.ə.ɹeɪt/, /ɪɡˈzæd͡ʒ.ə.ɹeɪt/

exaggerate (exaggerates, present participle exaggerating; simple past and past participle exaggerated)

  1. To overstate, to describe more than the fact.
    Synonyms: big up, overexaggerate, overstate, hyperbolize
    Antonyms: belittle, downplay, understate, trivialize
    I've told you a billion times not to exaggerate!
    He said he’d slept with hundreds of girls, but I know he’s exaggerating. The real number is about ten.
Related terms Translations Adjective


  1. Exaggerative; overblown.

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