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- IPA: /ɪksˈtɛnt/
extent (plural extents)
- A range of values or locations.
- The space, area, volume, etc., to which something extends.
- The extent of his knowledge of the language is a few scattered words.
- 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, I.xii:
- But when they came where that dead Dragon lay, / Stretcht on the ground in monstrous large extent
- 1827, Conrad Malte-Brun, Universal Geography, or A Description of All the Parts of the World, on a New Plan, Edinburgh: Adam Black, volume 6, book 101, gbooks LkYNAQAAIAAJ:
- The surface of the Balaton and the surrounding marshes is not less than 24 German square miles, or 384 English square miles; its principal feeder is the Szala, but all the water it receives appears inconsiderable relatively to its superficial extent, and the quantity lost in evaporation.
- (computing) A contiguous area of storage in a file system.
- The valuation of property.
- (legal) A writ directing the sheriff to seize the property of a debtor, for the recovery of debts of record due to the Crown.
- Italian: estensione
- Portuguese: extensão
- French: mesure
- German: Umfang, Ausmaß, Größe
- Italian: misura
- Portuguese: extensão
- Russian: сте́пень
- Spanish: extensión
- (obsolete) Extended.
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002