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- IPA: /ˈfæ.kəl.ti/
faculty (plural faculties)
- (chiefly, US) The academic staff at schools, colleges or universities, as opposed to the students or support staff.
- A division of a university.
- She transferred from the Faculty of Science to the Faculty of Medicine.
- An ability, skill, or power, often plural.
- I have used the notion of games so far as if it were familiar to most people. I think this is justified as everyone knows how to play some games. Accordingly, games serve admirably as models for the clarification of other, less well-understood, social-psychological phenomena. Yet the ability to follow rules, play games, and construct new games is a faculty not equally shared by all persons. […]
- He lived until he reached the age of 90 with most of his faculties intact.
- A power, authority or privilege conferred by a higher authority.
- (Church of England) A licence to make alterations to a church.
- The members of a profession.
- See also Thesaurus:faculty
- German: Kollegium, Lehrpersonal
- Portuguese: docência
- Russian: профессор
- Spanish: cuerpo docente
- French: faculté
- German: Fakultät
- Italian: facoltà
- Portuguese: setor, faculdade
- Russian: факульте́т
- Spanish: facultad
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003