  • IPA: /ˈfeɪθ.fəl/


  1. Loyal; adhering firmly to person or cause.
    My dog is a very faithful dog: he doesn't like to be petted by anybody else.
  2. Having faith.
    • 2009, Paul Lakeland, Church: Living Communion (page 162)
      The application of the old discipline, say the conservatives, would probably produce a smaller but more faithful Church.
  3. Reliable; worthy of trust.
    My servant is very faithful.
  4. Consistent with reality.
    I would consider that a very faithful reproduction.
  5. Engaging in sexual relations only with one's spouse or long-term sexual partner.
    They had been faithful to each other all of their married life.
    • 1976, "Missouri Breakers"
      She wanted to be free to explore casual affairs, but her man had to be faithful .
  6. (mathematics) Injective in specific contexts, e.g. of representations in representation or functors in category theory.
Translations Translations Translations Translations Noun

faithful (plural faithfuls)

  1. (in the plural) The practicing members of a religion or followers of a cause.
    The faithful pray five times a day.
  2. Someone or something that is faithful or reliable.

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