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- In a false manner.
- He protested his innocence to the end, claiming he had been falsely charged and convicted.
- 1910, "PRINCETON'S GRADUATE COLLEGE; Issues a Denial [....]", in New York Times, Feb 4, 1910
- This could not be more falsely stated.
- 1989, "Why Kill A Pollster?", in Washington Post, Dec 9, 1989
- Our insensitive laughter echoes even more falsely now.
- 2003, "Wordsworthian Southey: the fashioning of a reputation.", Wordsworth Circle, Jan 1, 2003
- And on none of them does the name ring more falsely than on Robert Southey.
- French: faussement
- German: fälschlicherweise, falsch
- Italian: falsamente
- Portuguese: falsamente
- Russian: непра́вильно
- Spanish: falsamente
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003