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- IPA: /fænˈtæstɪk/
- Existing in or constructed from fantasy; of or relating to fantasy; fanciful.
- He told fantastic stories of dragons and goblins.
- His fantastic post-college plans had all collapsed within a year of graduation.
- She had a fantastic view of her own importance that none of her colleagues shared.
- Not believable; implausible; seemingly only possible in fantasy.
- The events were so fantastic that only the tabloids were willing to print them.
- She entered the lab and stood gaping for a good ten minutes at the fantastic machinery at work all around her.
- Resembling fantasies in irregularity, caprice, or eccentricity; irregular; grotesque.
- T. Gray
- There at the foot of yonder nodding beech, / That wreathes its old fantastic roots so high.
- T. Gray
- Wonderful; marvelous; excellent; extraordinarily good or great (used especially as an intensifier).
- "I had a simply fantastic vacation, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!"
- (based in fantasy rather than reality) fabulous, fantastical
- (extravagantly fanciful and unrealistic) foolish, hare-brained, unrealistic, wild
- (incredibly wonderful) brilliant, fabulous, splendid, super, wonderful
- See also Thesaurus:excellent
- (incredibly wonderful) sucktastic
- French: fantastique
- German: fantastisch
- Portuguese: fantástico
- Russian: фантасти́ческий
- French: fantastique
- Russian: причу́дливый
- French: fantastique
- German: fantastisch
- Italian: fantastico, fantastica
- Portuguese: fantástico
- Russian: чуде́сный
- Spanish: fantástico
fantastic (plural fantastics)
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.007