Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
flavor (American spelling)
- The quality produced by the sensation of taste or, especially, of taste and smell in combined effect.
- The flavor of this apple pie is delicious.
- A substance used to produce a taste. Flavoring.
- Flavor was added to the pudding.
- A variety (of taste) attributed to an object.
- What flavor of bubble gum do you enjoy?
- The characteristic quality of something.
- the flavor of an experience
- (informal) A kind or type.
- Debian is one flavor of the Linux operating system.
- (physics) One of the six types of quarks (top, bottom, strange, charmed, up, and down) or three types of leptons (electron, muon, and tauon).
- (archaic) The quality produced by the sensation of smell; odour; fragrance.
- the flavor of a rose
- French: goût, saveur
- German: Geschmack
- Italian: sapore, gusto
- Portuguese: sabor, gosto
- Russian: вкус
- Spanish: sabor, gusto
- French: saveur
- German: Geschmacksstoff, Geschmacksverstärker
- Italian: sapori, fragranza, aroma
- Portuguese: condimento
- Russian: припра́ва
- French: style
- Russian: сорт
flavor (flavors, present participle flavoring; past and past participle flavored)
- (American spelling, transitive) To add flavoring to something.
- French: assaisonner
- German: würzen
- Italian: condire, aromatizzare, profumare
- Portuguese: condimentar
- Russian: приправля́ть
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