  • (British)
  • (America)
    • (America) enPR: fôr, IPA: /fɔɹ/
    • (rhotic, horse-hoarse) enPR: fōr, IPA: /fo(ː)ɹ/
    • (nonrhotic, horse-hoarse) IPA: /foə/
  • (AU, New Zealand) IPA: /foː/
  1. cln en A numerical value equal to 4; the number after three and before five; two plus two. This many dots (••••)
    There are four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn.
    • 1912 January, Zane Grey, chapter 8, in Riders of the Purple Sage: A Novel, New York, N.Y.; London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, OCLC 6868219 ↗:
      Venters began to count them—one—two—three—four—on up to sixteen.
  2. Describing a set or group with four elements.
Related terms Translations Translations
  • Russian: четвёрка


  1. (countable) The digit or figure 4; an occurrence thereof.
  2. (countable) Anything measuring four units, as length.
    Do you have any more fours? I want to make this a little taller.
  3. A person who is four years old.
    I'll take the threes, fours and fives and go to the playground.
  4. (cricket, countable) An event in which the batsmen run four times between the wickets or, more often, a batsman hits a ball which bounces on the ground before passing over a boundary, resulting in an award of 4 runs for the batting team. If the ball does not bounce before passing over the boundary, a six is awarded instead.
  5. (basketball, countable) A power forward.
  6. (rowing) Four-man sweep racing shell, with or without a coxswain.
    1. The shell itself.
      The team bought a new four last season.
    2. The crew rowing in a four boat.
      Our four won both races.
    3. (colloquial) A regatta event for four boats.
      We got third place in the varsity four.
  7. (obsolete) A four-pennyworth of spirits.
    • 1887, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet, IV:
      I was a-strollin' down, thinkin' between ourselves how uncommon handy a four of gin hot would be, when suddenly the glint of a light caught my eye in the window of that same house.
Translations Translations
  • German: Doppelvierer

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