  • (British) enPR: frē'lē, IPA: /ˈfɹiːli/
  • (America) IPA: /ˈfɹili/
Etymology 1

From Middle English frely, freelich, from Old English frēolīc, equivalent to free + -ly.


freely (comparative freelier, superlative freeliest)

  1. Free; frank.
  2. Generous; noble; excellent; beautiful; lovely.
Etymology 2

From Middle English frely, freliche, from Old English frēolīċe, equivalent to free + -ly.


freely (comparative freelier, superlative freeliest)

  1. In a free manner.
    Wine was flowing freely.
  2. Without interference or restriction.
    talk freely
  3. Of one's own free will.
    I will freely help you.

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