  • IPA: /ˈfɹɪkʃən̩/

friction (uncountable)

  1. The rubbing of one object or surface against another.
  2. (physics) A force that resists the relative motion or tendency to such motion of two bodies in contact.
    • 1839, Denison Olmsted, A Compendium of Astronomy Page 95
      Secondly, When a body is once in motion it will continue to move forever, unless something stops it. When a ball is struck on the surface of the earth, the friction of the earth and the resistance of the air soon stop its motion.
  3. (medicine, obsolete, countable) Massage of the body to restore circulation.
  4. (figuratively) Conflict, as between persons having dissimilar ideas or interests; clash.
  5. (China, historical) (Second Sino-Japanese War) Conflict, as between the Communists and non-Hanjian Kuomintang forces.
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