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From Middle English fruitefull, equivalent to fruit + -ful.
Pronunciation- IPA: /ˈfɹuːtfəl/
- Favourable to the growth of fruit or useful vegetation; not barren.
- Synonyms: fructive, fructuous
- Antonyms: barren, infertile, unfruitful
- Hypernyms: fertile
- Being productive in any sense; yielding benefits.
- Synonyms: Thesaurus:productive
- Antonyms: unfruitful
- The extra work in the office turned out to be fruitful after all—I got promoted
- fruitious (obsolete)
- French: fructueux
- German: fruchtbar
- Italian: proficuo, fruttuoso, produttivo
- Portuguese: produtivo, frutuoso
- Russian: плодотво́рный
- Spanish: fértil, prolífico, productivo, fructífero
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.001