  • IPA: /fʊlˈfɪl/, /fəˈfɪl/

fulfill (fulfills, present participle fulfilling; past and past participle fulfilled) (American spelling)

  1. To satisfy, carry out, bring to completion (an obligation, a requirement, etc.).
    You made a promise, son, and now you must fulfill it.
  2. To emotionally or artistically satisfy; to develop one's gifts to the fullest.
    This is the most fulfilling work I've ever done.
  3. To obey, follow, comply with (a rule, requirement etc.).
    Unfortunately, you don't fulfill the criteria for extra grants at the present time.
  4. (archaic) To fill full; fill to the utmost capacity; fill up.
    My lady is positively fulfilled of grace.
    • 1870, James Thomson, The City of Dreadful Night
      The silence which benumbs or strains the sense
      Fulfils with awe the soul's despair unweeping
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